The name of a person is extremely special for them because that is the first real entity that defines who they really are. Babies learn to respond to their names and discover that when that particular word is pronounced then they are expected to react. They grow close to the name and ultimately realize that it belongs to them and only they have the right to reply to it. This is the reason that a name plays such an important role in a person’s life.
Capricorn Baby Names Start with the Letters: Ga, Ge, Bh, Kh, Je and Ja
The babies that are born during the period starting from December 22 to January 19 share Capricorn as their sun sign. This zodiac represents ‘the goat’ and the babies who are born under this sign grow up into faithful and ambitious individuals. In accordance with the suggestions made by the astrologers, these babies must have names that start with Ga, Ge, Bh, Kh, Je and Ja.
The Capricorn babies follow the right rules of conduct and work extremely hard to achieve the goals that they set for themselves. They plan their life and are pretty sure of what they want to do in the future. Success drives them and they take up a responsibility very seriously. Therefore, as a parent, it is your duty to ensure that they get enough time to relax their minds and enjoy their life.